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Download cheat engine stronghold crusader pcDownload cheat engine stronghold crusader pc.Stronghold Crusader for PC Cheats - Stronghold Crusader Codes - Stronghold Crusader Cheat Codes
During game strongnold backspace and type yes and you will have unlimited gold and have 50 peasents avalible. STUFF dngine invincibility, all weapons and keys, and a teleporter beacon. Download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc - invincibility. OPEN crksader all keys stealth boots. MONEY - money and toughness. GOTO - warp to level GUNS - all weapons. IDDT - full map toggle use when looking at map.
IDMUS - chang music to track TIC - devparm Toggle. Enter one of the codes below during gameplay to achieve the desired effect. Then as your playing the game giochi simulazione pc download will have downlload gold. Hint: Submitted by: Fawad Hassan In strong hold crusader you will clear all areas in very short time.
Trick: when you will clear dlwnload stage then gives three chickens and play cp stage near downlaod victory save the game. Then uninstall the game and again install the game and run your save file of engune stage you will watch that you will get all chickens.
Negine Submitted by:Ben Dpwnload Administrator To stop enemys getting out of there castle for a while, place an ox tether in увидеть больше of their gatehouse.
Hint: Submitted by: xrusader If u really want to get down enemy's walls quickly just click on mercenery post and produce 6 or 7 assa ssins alongwith 1 or 2 arabaian bow enginne and then click on downooad of them and then click attak here and dosnload any enemy building not enemy towers u will see after some time assassins will raze down the walls in seconds. It is quick than trebuchets and also quicker than catapults.
Try it have fun! Crossbowmen: Crossbowmen are useful cheaat base and offensive measures. You should build up at least fifteen Crossbowmen at the start. Buy them and place a tower near a stronghold or farm, download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc on the landscape. For offensive tactics, build up at least Crossbowmen, 2 Balista or 8 Assassins enine 2 Catapults. Take out enemy tower first, then move the Baslistas and Crossbowmen in for the kill.
Pick off enemy troops and use Assassins download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc take the gate house, or have crussader Siege Tower so you can get on to the ramparts. Then, have your Crossbowmen shoot the Enemy Lord while only suffering minimal casualties. Note: This does not work well in multi-player games against human opponents without the download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc of a lot of Swordsmen. However, this полезняк! ea car racing games free download full version for pc мне still a high risk tactic in multi-player mode as the opposing lord may wipe out your Crossbowmen.
For base defense, when you have your production up and running, you need to have two to three large Siege Towers full of Crossbowmen. This tactic works very well. To get crossbowmen recruits up and running, build one or two dairy farms. Then build three Tanners to each farm and have three or download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc armorers to build crossbows.
Have eight or more peasants around the campfire. You should have your keep enclosed by now. If you have a money source, you can buy Crossbowmen. Have many iron mines or quarries for stronghol. Also, you can have inns and raise taxes. You should also have gardens download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc the people.
Lookout towers: Lookout towers are very useful, as they give good missile unit defense. Build an army of 20 Archers and select 5 of them. Set the game to slow speed and send the 5 archers to the tower. Quickly select another 5 Archers and send them in before the others get there.
Do the same for the other 10 to get 20 archers on a small tower. Mangonels: Tower-mounted Mangonels can prove to be good siege weapons. In many maps, the keeps start in strognhold proximity to each other. Build your walls out as far as they can go. Place round towers and lookout towers on the wall facing your opponent's castle. Fill them with Archers and Mangonels. In many cases, you can hit the enemy's walls with the Mangonels from you own. Also, if you Archers can reach their walls, you can clear his Archers from your own walls.
Mounted Knights: Mounted Knights are very useful for being a thorn in the enemy's side. Cbeat 20 to 40 жмите them depending on the enemy; Rat will only need 20, but Saladin will need Send them out to destroy enemy farms and resources. Make a destructive sweep, then return to your castle. This is quite useful for stalling enemy production.
Siege equipment on walls: Use the following trick to get siege equipment on walls not the mounted ones that are bought, but the ones that you make. Build a Gatehouse connected to a wall and build stairs far away from this.
Send the equipment that you want through the gate from the outside to the inside. As soon as they are inside the gate, shut strknghold and they will appear on the wall heading for the stairs. Stop them where desired but not on towers as they will disappearthen you have a nice weapon on a wall.
Stone and market: If you have a level where you are near a lot of stone, build download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc to four Quarries. Then, make the same amount of Ox Tethers near them. Increase you stockpile to about six to nine. Keep working on getting stone. You will still have to work on other things to protect yourself. After a few minutes if you do not waste any stone or use a littleyou will have or more stone.
If you built a Market already, you can sell your stone for about to gold each, only letting you have a choice to make low, average, or no taxes at all.
Hold enemies captive inside their own castles: Take a small building such as dowload Oxen Tether. Place one or two of them directly outside the gatehouse s of your enemy's castle, but make sure their keep is enclosed first. Immediately put the Oxen Tethers to sleep. The ground troops will walk to the gatehouse to destroy them, but cannot get through.
They will just download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc back to their spot. Your enemy's buildings outside of the castle will download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc crumble because the workers cannot get back inside.
Also, the gatehouse s that you blocked may spontaneously crumble after awhile. Soon there will be no food and the peasants will leave the castle. The small army will be trapped inside their own walls awaiting your arrival. When your army is built up, you can move over and cheaf the whole castle off the map. Note: Make sure that there are no enemies outside of stronghpld castle, or else they will probably destroy your Oxen Tethers. Gold: During the beginning of the game, if you have download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc open space around you Granary on an oasis, you can build three or four Apple Orchards, two or three Dairy Farms, two Hops Farms, then build only three Wheat Farms around the Granary.
Then, near the Granary where crusaader is not an oasis space, build a Mill and two Bakeries. This will keep constant food production; it will not run out even when you have about a 90 population limit. Next, build one or two Breweries and one or two Inns. Also, build a Church. Wait until you have popularity then raise the taxes to average taxes. Keep that at a constant rate and you download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc have a lot of gold flowing into stronghood keep. Unlimited population with no need to feed: You can avoid the hassle of having to constantly provide food and worry about population limits by building lots of Chapels.
At this point you can stop feeding them and have a huge population. You can get around 50 people to make bows and you can set the taxes to low and still make about gold per month. Great economy: When you first start, use all your stone to set up some defenses and build four to six Wood Cutters Huts.
Build a market as soon as possible, and buy about Wood. Build nothing but Wheat Farms in your farming area. If you have some resources nearby, such as Rocks sngine Pitch, use them to get some Gold. As soon as you больше на странице to get some Wheat, build about four to six Mills and about twenty strongholld thirty Bakeries.
Once you get enough food, set it to Double Rations, and if you have enough gold, build a couple Chapels, Churches, or Cathedrals. Buy download cheat engine stronghold crusader pc Hops and build some Breweries. Place about four Inns throughout your Castle. About halfway through this process, you should set the Tax to When you are done with this you can set the Tax to or even на этой странице, depending dowload the map. Make sure to keep your defenses up.
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